Product Description
For those of you who have already gone through a workout with Cindy (you lucky dogs!), here she is again with an even more intense exercise video. Natural body movements are combined into a cross-training-styled total body workout designed to tighten and tone muscles. 75 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital stereo.
This 1993 video is a one-hour workout combining stop-and-start cardio movements that are athletic (no dance) with muscle endurance moves with and without light weights. The cardio section uses moves like jogging, jumping, leg swings, and power moves such as fast lunge combinations, squats with jumps, and karate kicks. The lower body strengthening moves include variations of lunges and squats using body weight. The upper-body weight exercises are varied but done too quickly--it's easy to rely on momentum. Some of these exercises are oddly chosen: a number of the exercises that are supposed to work the chest fatigue the shoulders and back long before the chest muscles feel anything, for example. You'll certainly feel the many sets of ab exercises, however!
After the fitness experts panned Cindy Crawford's 1992 Shape Your Body because of its risky moves, this one was planned under the supervision of C. Thomas Vangsness Jr., M.D., Chief of Sports Medicine at the University of Southern California. Crawford doesn't fling her body as she did in the first one (why didn't her trainer teach her not to do this in the first place?), and she explains how to do the exercises properly. A glossary of exercises at the end emphasizes correct form. This is certainly better than Shape Your Body, but unless you're wild about Cindy Crawford, you can find workouts conducted by real fitness instructors that are better designed and demonstrated. --Joan Price
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Cindy Crawford - Next Challenge Workout Reviews
54 of 55 people found the following review helpful Has a Very Different Look and Feel, By This review is from: Cindy Crawford - The Next Challenge Workout [VHS] (VHS Tape) Compared to my Denise Austin and Kathy Smith videos, this tape looks like something that should be played on MTV. I find that I get so caught up in the sophisticated camerawork, unusual music, and funky backgrounds that it's sometimes hard to pay attention to what I'm doing. I really love the look and sound of this video and that's one of the main reasons I enjoy doing it. The cardio section is really intense, but seems too short. Her sequence of lunges, squats and other moves for the lower body is a killer routine. I haven't felt so sore in a long time, and I'm a runner! Definitely not for the faint-hearted or anyone with bad knees. She spends a lot more time on chest exercises than any other video I've used. I wish the abs section had fewer full-body situps; they're not great for the lower back and I think there are more effective moves that put less stress on that area. I found that the routine for arms didn't do much for me until I started using eight-pound weights... Read more 32 of 32 people found the following review helpful great workout tape!!!, By This review is from: Cindy Crawford - The Next Challenge Workout [VHS] (VHS Tape) I really haven't been able to find a workout tape like this one! I mean because it has a little for every part of the body.This tape is about 64 minutes long, which after working out so long you get relieved it is over, because it really is the "next challenge"!! The tape consists of: Cindy is accompanied by a personal trainer, Rudu (i believe is his name) and hes always in the background always guiding Cindy and reminding her of proper form at all times and helping her count the sets. I like... Read more 30 of 30 people found the following review helpful Interesting change of pace, This review is from: Cindy Crawford - The Next Challenge Workout [VHS] (VHS Tape) I was pleasantly surprised by this workout. It differs from most in that you're not doing choreographed moves in time to upbeat music - Cindy typically does 10 reps of a move, and then goes on to something else. There's little opportunity to get bored. Her pace can be a bit fast, but I don't try to keep up - I concentrate on form, not quantity, and as a result I focus more on the muscles I'm working. The music is basically a pleasant background. Some of it seemed odd at first but it grows on you. Cindy is not an articulate or motivating instructor (the opposite of Denise Austin or Susan Powter!), but her strong, fit body and proper form speak for themselves. I would not recommend this tape to anyone who's starting an exercise program, is significantly overweight, or has knee, hip, or back problems - many of the cardio moves are high impact, and the cardio segment is too short and intense for those whose primary goal is to burn fat. But this tape includes many exercises for... Read more |
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